A Blueprint for Launching New Business Units in Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Separate Business Units units in Salesforce marketing Cloud are pivotal for achieving targeted communication strategies, branding objectives and maintaining organizational order. Below, I’ve compiled a checklist that you can use when you have to create new business units for a client that use SFMC as their email marketing platform. These tips and suggestions blend client requirements with best practices to ensure successful implementation.

1. Defining Objectives and Use Cases

Before setting up new BUs, it’s crucial to understand their purpose within your marketing framework. Are these BUs being created for better audience segmentation, distinct branding needs, or to provide specialized functionalities? Clear objectives will guide the configuration and ensure that the setup aligns with your strategic goals.

2. Understanding Target Audience Differentiation

Each BU should cater to a specific segment of your audience. It’s essential to define how these segments differ from those of existing BUs in terms of subscriber preferences, behaviors, and demographics. This understanding will help tailor content and interaction strategies effectively.

3. Email Strategy and Content Sharing

Determine the types of emails each BU will send—be it transactional messages, promotional content, or customer service communications. Additionally, decide on how much content (such as templates and images) will be shared between BUs. This ensures consistency where necessary while allowing flexibility.

4. Reviewing Current Setup and Shared Resources

Evaluate your existing SFMC setup to determine if new BUs can share Sender Authentication Packages (SAPs), sending domains, and IP addresses, or if they require independent resources. This assessment helps maintain email deliverability and sender reputation.

5. Sending Domain and Sender Profiles

Consider whether new BUs will use the current sending domains or if new ones are needed. Separate domains might be essential for maintaining distinct branding or managing sender reputations more effectively. Also, customize sender profiles and delivery settings to meet the specific needs of each BU.

6. Managing Email Reputation

If the email output from the new BU will differ significantly in volume or type from existing ones, consider acquiring a new IP address pool. This separation can help isolate and protect the sender reputation of your existing business units.

7. Data Management Strategies

Understanding your current data architecture is critical. Identify all data sources feeding into SFMC, such as web forms, CRM systems, or social media. Define how data will be segmented within the new BUs, ensuring that each unit is working with the most relevant and actionable information.

8. Integrations and System Synergies

Clarify how existing integrations with systems like CRM or e-commerce platforms will extend to the new BUs. Determine the nature of data flows—whether they are bidirectional or unidirectional—and plan any necessary custom integrations that support unique BU functions.

9. Extending Capabilities with Additional Integrations

Assess the need for external data sources and additional integrations specific to the new BUs. Whether it’s integrating third-party databases or leveraging new APIs, these connections can enhance functionality and data richness.

10. Upholding Data Privacy and Compliance

In the age of GDPR and other privacy regulations, it’s imperative to manage subscriber consent meticulously and handle sensitive data with care across all BUs. Ensure that data storage and processing policies comply with legal standards.

11. Setting Up Reporting and Analytics

Define critical metrics for each BU and decide whether to consolidate reports or keep them separate. Effective reporting allows for monitoring performance and adjusting strategies as needed.


Setting up new business units in Salesforce Marketing Cloud is a substantial but rewarding challenge. By carefully planning according to the guidelines above, you can ensure that each unit operates efficiently and contributes to the overarching goals of your organization. Remember, the key to successful implementation lies in thorough preparation and a clear understanding of your strategic needs.
