Identifying Opt-In Preferences for In-App Messages in Salesforce MobileConnect
Understanding how to manage and identify opt-in preferences for in-app messages is crucial for effective mobile marketing. Based on a recent case I opened with Salesforce support, here are some insights and best practices for managing your audience for push and in-app messages. Building Mobile Filtered Lists for Push Messages To identify contacts who are opted in to receive push messages, you can create a mobile-filtered list with the following criteria: Status: Active Device ID: Not null Opt-In Status: Opted In Identifying Contacts for In-App Messages One common question is how to identify contacts who have opted out of push messages but can still receive in-app messages, or vice versa. Here’s what I found: Opt-In Status for In-App Messages Salesforce targets in-app and inbox messages to all Device IDs, regardless of their opt-in status. As long as the Device IDs are valid, in-app and inbox messages will be sent. If Apple Push Notificatio...